Pharmacy Compliance with LFPSE

Pharmapod is supporting pharmacies like yours to be in compliance with the mandatory NHS Learn From Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service. LFPSE will be required by 30 September 2023.

Our leading pharmacy Incident Management platform is available to ensure your pharmacy meets new LFPSE requirements for patient safety event reporting.

What is LFPSE?

LFPSE is replacing the current National Reporting and Learning System and Strategic Executive Information System to offer better support for staff from all health and care sectors, including pharmacy.

This will result in one national NHS system for the recording of patient safety events. The system will support better analysis of safety events, and use technology like machine learning to enhance insights and key learnings.

For your pharmacy, this means LFPSE will reduce workloads around safety events, with the incident reported just once through our connected Pharmapod platform.

More information on LFPSE is available on the NHS England website.

Two concerned looking pharmacists looking at tablet
Pharmapod SOP Management Dashboard
Pharmapod SOP Management Dashboard

Pharmapod’s Patient Safety Platform

Pharmapod’s patient safety platform is your one easy way to meet LFPSE requirements and also provides benefits including:
  • Increase in the recording of errors and near misses
  • Continuous improvement in patient safety and clinical outcomes
  • Reduction in time spent recording errors
  • Improved operational efficiencies
  • Improved data quality

The deadline for providers to ensure their incident reporting platform is LFPSE compatible is 30 September 2023 (extended from 31 March 2023). For those pharmacies in Wales, we are looking into options for integration with the Once for Wales system.

Learn More in Our Brochure

Ensure your pharmacy meets mandatory NHS LFPSE reporting standards. Discover how in our brochure.

Contact Us to Learn More or Book a Demonstration